Includes bibliographical references (pages 221-222) and indexĪccess-restricted-item true Addeddate 13:01:15 Boxid IA40151210 Camera Sony Alpha-A6300 (Control) Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier From each setting he is able to paint a broader picture of Africa: the varying attitudes to the ivory trade in East and Southern Africa, the impact of tourism on wildlife, the contentious issue of 'sustainable utilization' - 'use it or lose it' - and the precarious future of the great apes and the wild dog." "Gloriously illustrated with Jonathan's own photographs and drawings, Dawn to Dusk encapsulates all the adventures that everyone wants to have in Africa."-JacketĪccompanies the 6-part BBC television series, Dawn to dusk He joins a night-time vigil to watch predators who hunt only under cover of darkness, pays his first visit to long-neglected Uganda and flies in a hot-air balloon over the legendary Serengeti." "On each journey he is accompanied by a local wildlife expert and learns something of the problems that face the animals in their perpetual struggle for survival, and the achievements of the conservationists who devote their lives to ensuring that our wildlife heritage does not disappear. "Accompanying the six-part BBC television series, Dawn to Dusk describes six wildlife adventures in the company of author, photographer and television presenter Jonathan Scott." "From an elephant-back safari in Botswana to chimp-watching in the woodlands of Tanzania, from white-water rafting on the Zambezi to searching for rhinos in the deserts of Namibia, Jonathan explores the beauty of the bush and shares the excitement of a day on safari.