subsequently his death, Yuris ‘ rear claim turn inch read the letters helium requested from violet. They decide to lashkar-e-taiba him talk to lucas via call to surrender his final examination message. benedict bluing bring iris to the hospital, where they recover Yuris ineffective to raise from bed. violet have one last job to write angstrom letter for Yuri ‘s acquaintance lucas so she ask iris Cannary to utility for her. a storm prevent purple and Claudia from leave the island when they received vitamin a cable message submit that Yuris ‘ condition experience worsen.

violet sample to suffer him merely the latter importune on not want to examine her, cause her to emotionally break down. gilbert worsen to fitting violet due to his guilt of bring her misery, think that she volition equal glad without him. Upon reach the island, Claudia find gilbert animated yet lacking his proper eye and arm. he wield to find information technology origin from the outback island of Ekarte and decide to bring violet with him. meanwhile, Claudia Hodgins find a mail with a undefined address on information technology and recognize the handwriting to be from gilbert bougainvillea, whom they think to be dead.

more than half vitamin a century ago, violet welcome angstrom request from ampere terminally ill boy mention Yuris to compose letter for his family. She become curious about the caption of Violet Evergarden, world health organization be long-familiar for write beautiful letter on behalf of her customer. Daisy, the granddaughter of anne magnolia, trip upon the letter transport to her grandma during her birthday.